Dragons join innovative consortium


VOGO announces the creation of a multidisciplinary consortium focused on the development of innovative solutions for the prevention and detection of concussion in sports.

Catalans Dragons are a member of this consertuim, alongside French Football Federation, French Judo Federation, French Rugby Union Federation.

VOGO is the leading actor in this consortium, created to respond to a global public health issue and ensure the safety of those who play sports all over the world, whether amateurs or professionals.

Our collective goal is to create a sector of excellence in France, bringing together players with established expertise from the spheres of sport, academia, medicine, industry and technology. Several leading sports clubs and federations have already joined the initiative.

The centre of excellence will integrate new members to support the partners already on board in the various fields of expertise.


A global public health issue 

Five million athletes face the risk of a concussion in France and 100 million in Europe and the United States, where the medical authorities have labelled it a “national scourge”. Contrary to popular belief, concussion occurs in most team sports and is particularly prevalent among women and young players under 20. All too often, the medical and economic consequences are severe for the individuals concerned and the broader community.

It has therefore become a matter of priority to find solutions that can increase the detection of lesions alongside existing protocols, while developing research in best practices to minimise accidents. This sense of urgency is widely shared by medical officials, federal organisations and sports people in a context of growing media coverage and an increase in scientific data around the subject.

A consortium mobilised to develop a sector of excellence in France

The aim of the consortium is to develop an innovative solution that facilitates decision-making by medical personnel and stakeholders on the pitch. The solution must be easy to use and deploy in order to improve the rate of detection of concussion and related management as a complement to existing protocols, with follow-up over time, so that players concerned can return to their activity under the safest possible conditions.

Combining cutting-edge expertise from the scientific, industrial and technological spheres

In the academic and research space, the consortium will be able to draw on leading-edge research and innovation from the CNRS via the Sys2Diag laboratory 1 (CNRS / ALCEN) in the field of medical diagnostics; expertise in biomechanical modelling of impacts and consequences from the Institut de Biomécanique Humaine Georges Charpak (ENSAM); the know-how of Professor Decq’s teams at the Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Paris, practicing at Beaujon hospital of neurosurgery and concussion, and associated with the epidemiology and biostatistics department of Bichat hospital; and the cognitive neuropsychology and neuroscience skills of the PSITEC laboratories of the University of Lille and VAC of the University of Paris.

This research work will be promoted by the various industrial and technological partners. As leader of the consortium, Vogo will bring its know-how in video and audio signal processing for the study of impacts, Move in Med, for its capacity to aggregate all results and diagnostics, and SkillCell, building on its experience on the EasyCov project to conceive portable and rapid testing solutions.

Pascal Saguin, Deputy CEO of Vogo and representative of the consortium, says: “Already a pioneer in the detection of concussion in professional sports, we are today taking this commitment a step further with a highly promising initiative for sports people around the world. The complementary expertise offered by the consortium and the rapid mobilisation of clubs and federations pave the way for the development of innovative solutions to better address this global health issue and its related risks. We are proud to be the driving force behind this shared adventure, with partners whose expertise and enthusiasm provide a solid foundation for success”.