U19 squad to face Newcastle U19


U19 headcoach Thierry Dumaine has named his squad to face Newcastle U19 on Sunday, k.o at 1 pm (CET).

The staff has made some changes to the squad, Victor Capillaire, Thibaut Osuna and Lucas Vergniol coming in to replace David Demacedo, Jordan Flovie, Thibault Franck and Maxime Garcia.


The squad

Yann Belmaaziz
Sébastien Bled
Victor Capillaire
Alrix Da Costa
Fabien Flovie
Georgy Gambaro
Mathieu Laguerre
Théo Lardot
Corentin Le Cam
Ugo Martin
Arthur Mourgues
Thibaut Osuna
Romain Pallarès
Thomas Perez
Barthélémy Rougé
Paul Séguier
Florian Vailhen
Lucas Vergniol
Samirdine Youssouf