U19 squad to face Warrintgton


U19 headcoach Thierry Dumaine has named his squad for the first game of the season against Warrington on Saturday at the Gilbert Brutus Stadium, k.o at 3.15 pm.


The squad

Sébastien Bled
Luc Delor
Fabien Flovie
Jordan Flovie
Thibaud Franck
Georgy Gambaro
Mathieu Laguerre
Théo Lardot
Corentin Le Cam
Ugo Martin
Arthur Mourgues
Thibault Osuna
Romain Pallares
Thomas Perez 
Barthelemy Rouge
Maxence Sabathier
Bastien Scimone
Florian Vailhen
Samirdine Youssouf